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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Euthanasia – be Permitted or not ??

Euthanasia – be Permitted or not…

Euthanasia is defined as an intentional killing by an act/omission of person whose life is felt is not to be worth living(Volunty)

In India there is no specific law concerning euthanasia, though it is much desirable. The need of the same arises when a person is terminally ill and not capable of cure. The sufferings of an ill person need not be prolonged by forcefully keeping him alive with all the pains and sufferings. That is definitely a violation of Article 21 of the Constitution of India which provides a right to dignified life

Arguments in favor of legalization of euthanasia are typically premised on the assumption that requests for euthanasia are a "rational" decision, given the circumstances of terminal illness, pain, increased disability, and fears of becoming (or continuing to be) a burden to family and friends. Given the possibility that these symptoms and circumstances may not be relieved, even with aggressive palliative care and social services, the decision to hasten one's death may seem rational.

According to the Chief Executive of Voluntary Health Association of India (VHAI), Alok Mukhopadhaya, euthanasia should be legalized but with strict parameters to avoid its misuse which is very likely in a country with a large number of illiterate populace and rampant unethical medical practice. Henk Jochemsen says, Acceptance of euthanasia for people who are tired of life will further social pressure, to those who feel themselves to be a burden to others, to ask for euthanasia."Banning intentional killing protects each of us impartially, embodying the belief that all are equal, whether they are young of old, fit or sick, able or disabled," said Prof. Peter Millard of the British organization, ALERT (Against Legalized Euthanasia - Research and Teaching).The precious words of Thomas Jefferson strike a chord: The care of human life and happiness and not their destruction is the first and only legitimate object of good governance.

The demise of the 25 year old Andhra youth, K. Venkatesh, who wanted to be given euthanasia so that he could donate his organs, has once again sparked the debate on the legalization of euthanasia. Venkatesh sought the right to die not to escape suffering from the degenerative muscular dystrophy, but to be able to donate his vital organs as doctors had warned that these could not be used once they become infected. But the Andhra Pradesh High Court rejected his mother's plea.
Euthanasia and suicide are different. Distinguishing euthanasia from suicide, Lodha J. in Naresh Marotrao Sakhre v. Union of India , observed:
Suicide by its very nature is an act of self-killing or self-destruction, an act of terminating one's own act and without the aid or assistance of any other human agency. Euthanasia or mercy killing, on the other hand, means and implies the intervention of other human agency to end the life. Mercy killing thus is not suicide and an attempt at mercy killing is not covered by the provisions of Section 309. The two concepts are both factually and legally distinct. Euthanasia or mercy killing is nothing but homicide whatever the circumstances in which it is effected.
Euthanasia- according to the religions:-
1.Hindu ideology is against euthanasia
2.Muslims too are against it. They believe that
a) Life is sacred
b) Allah decides how long each of us will live
c) c) Suicide and euthanasia are explicitly forbidden
#"Destroy not yourselves. Surely Allah is ever merciful to you." (Qur'an 4.29)
3. The Christian View
Christians are mostly against euthanasia. The arguments are usually based on the argument that life is a gift from God and that human beings are made in God's image. Birth and death are part of the life processes which God has created, so we should respect them. Therefore no human being has the authority to take the life of any innocent person, even if that person wants to die.
4. The Sikh View
Sikhs derive their ethics largely from the teachings of their scripture, Guru Granth Sahib, and the Sikh Code of Conduct (the Rehat Maryada). The Sikh Gurus rejected suicide (and by extension, euthanasia) as an interference in God's plan. Suffering, they said, was part of the operation of karma, and human beings should not only accept it without complaint but act so as to make the best of the situation that karma has given them. This suggests that the Sikh reaction to situations where people think about euthanasia would be to provide such good care that euthanasia became an unattractive option.
The religion are against euthonosia… The law does not allow it........still there is a space to think that whether a person is legally entitled to live a dignified life as guaranteed under A-21 of the Indian Constitution…. a life free from every form of illness and problems….and In absence of such dignified life…whether he is entitled to end his life voluntarily????

Whether Euthanasia – be Permitted or not ??

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Micro Finance Institutions

While functioning for the growth and development of the nation and while thinking about the empowerment of the people, First we had to think about the growth and development of the people of rural areas, because 60 % population resides in rural India. Now the other major challenge is to sort out the best suitable methods for the development of the people of rural areas.

No doubt, Govt. had initiated many provisions in the form of welfare and development Schemes, and Projects. In addition, Govt. provides subsidized loans for the same. NGOs are working with the same objective of social development, Parallely, the microfinance Institutions are serving as a medium in the growth and development of the people.

I think Micro finance is a better option, which, if implemented in the appropriate manner, can contribute alotz in the growth and development of the people.

In the present days many MFI companies are formed which provide loans on various conditions and criteria, Their work objectives are different from one another, for example, some MFI work for ecology and emphasize on plantation and provide free loans for conservation of trees, some provide loans for education of children, while the rest of the MFIs provides loans directly for establishing some sort of Income Generating activities of the clients.

The major concept in which maximum MFIs work is, to establish some sort of Income Generating activities for the client, So that the client can repay the loans with the help of such IG activity and in parallel the IG activities will help the client in the survival of the client and his/her family. Actually it is a concept, on which most of the MFIs are incorporated.

Though the trend of MFI is not very old, but still the MFIs had covered almost every blocks or even village, the reason being that the MFIs are not social development’s organization,( i.e. non profit making), but they are profit making Institutions and most of them are registered as corporation. So to earn profit, they insure their existence in each and every underdeveloped village/ block or district.

No doubt MFIs are growing at a very fast speed.Parallely with the increase in their profit, but the thing they still lack is the implementation of the objectives of the MFIs.

Actually the objectives, i.e. to establish IG activities of the client from the loan amount, is hardly being implemented. The reason being the client those who take loans from the MFIs being illiterate or are not in a condition to approach the appropriate authority. So it becomes very difficult for them to think in the direction of establishing IG activities.

On the other side, the MFIs also hardly pays attention towards such establishment because for them, IG activities of the client is not very important in comparison to the interest over such loans. So In the whole process of (training of clients) CGT GRT, distribution of loans and recoveries, the issue of livelihood promotion or Income generation of the client disappears somewhere.

In other words the growth and development of the people is sacrificed on the name of growth of the Micro Finance Institutions. I did not criticize or I am not against the work of MFI, but I think if the MFI work with an objective of social development and more importantly if the implement it in their working, then the MFIs can better serve for the development of the nation.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Egalitarianism - a trend of mind which favors Equality in every sort

If every one is born equal…. then why there’s discrimination between- rich and poor, rural and urban, man and women etc…Why the rights are made unapproachable for the poor and discriminated people…The law guarantees rights for all…despite of any discrimination ….but still there is inequality….discrimination…The discriminated class people are subjected to cruelty by the dominating class of people…The discriminated class of people hardly get any chance to enjoy their rights, dignified and free life….
The human made division of people in class is just a method opted by the Politicians for getting votes and nothing else….
Equality always results in the development….The nation cannot be developed unless the opportunities of development are made approachable for the poor and needy people….The nation can only be developed when the poor or the needy people get benefited ……Lets work for upliftment and empowerment of the needy people…...
Lets work for bringing Equality in the Society…


The 73rd Constitution (Amendment) Act 1993 of India has facilitated a ground breaking process of deepening democratization in the country. The Amendment envisions a larger, and vibrant role for Panchayati Raj Institutions (PRIs) as institutions of local governance to promote economic development and social justice. Subsequently, both the Central government and state governments have taken measures in varying degree to enable PRIs to discharge their constitutional mandate. The Planning Commission of India in the Eleventh Five Year Plan has also highlighted that empowering PRIs, and involving them as the primary means of delivery of essential services are critical to ensure inclusive growth.

PRIs need adequate capacity building support to effectively discharge their assigned roles and responsibilities as institutions of local self governance. Appropriate training of PRI representatives given in time is one of the crucial components of capacity building process. The issue of training has been discussed and debated intensively on various forums. The Seventh Round Table of State Ministers of Panchayati Raj held at Jaipur in December 2004 adopted several action points on training of PRI representatives. Similarly, the Fifteenth Anniversary Charter on Panchayati Raj adopted in April 2008 by PRI representatives from all over the country demanded that panchayat representatives and officials should be provided sustained and high quality training through a system that fulfils their own training needs.
Acknowledging the importance of drafting state specific training and capacity building framework, the National Capability Building Framework (NCBF) designed by MoPR, has also suggested state governments to undertake state-wide training needs assessment of PRI representatives.